Wow, what a whirlwind of a winding up for Seminary and
Institute. We will dearly miss our
youth. They have become family to
us. When we see them across the Island
it is like a reunion with so many hugs and greetings. How we have grown to love the people
The Spirit is so strong on the Isles of the Sea. So many valiant sons & daughters are
hearing His voice and being baptized.
The change in their lives is so wonderful. We were able to teach with our Sister
Missionaries a man whose family has been baptized, his daughter returned from a
mission, recently, a son who is doing fabulous missionary work on the Island of
Palau at the college with his friends, but Papa had not felt to be baptized. Then something wonderful happened in one of
our discussions as I shared with him the story of my mother being less active
for 60 years and then through a extremely difficult time in her life she became
active and worked in the temple for seven years before she passed away. She just said so many times after she had
first gone to the temple, “I have wasted so many years. I regret so much!” His heart was touched and he said yes to
baptism. Since his baptism he is
teaching so many co-workers and friends his love of his Savior and his
testimony of the Restoration for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are so eternally grateful for even being a
tiny part of this experience. What a
wonderful man. He is looking forward to
taking his family to the Temple in a year to be sealed for time and all eternity.
Our finishing the end of school was so full of fun and
excitement. Hikes to waterfalls, (so
incredibly beautiful) Scripture Mastery Bowl, Year End lessons, with a fun
final day activity, and then graduation.
The Scripture Bowl was incredible!
72 youth into their scriptures, shouting out answers, helping each
other, and with the biggest smiles on their faces. We went home that night and thanked Heavenly
Father for allowing us the experience with these valiant youth!
You will look at these beautiful pictures and say, “Hey, you
two are on vacation! You could not
possibly be on a mission.” It is so
beautiful here and boy can we have fun!!
This summer we are teaching Mission Prep and Temple Prep across the
island and loving having time to go out teaching some nights with the Sisters
and Elders. It is a favorite thing to do
for us, so we are so incredibly grateful for a few months to be side by side
with these Missionaries teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We love you all. Enjoy
the pictures.
YSA Yike |
Beautiful Waterfalls |
YSA Stake Helpers Mr & Mrs Makaya |
No Diving Allowed!! Right!! |
The Beauty is Breath Taking |
Janette soon to go on a Mission, Nayleen, and Jennifer Return Missionaries |
Elder Chandler among the flowers |
Happy Days |
Beautiful Ashley New Convert |
PIC's Class 2013-2014 Happy are we! |
Happy are we! |
Love Abounds |
Two Non-Members Love Coming. Can you tell? |
Yes, Elder Chandler Eye Candy!! |
Thank You Sister Missionaries. We love you! |
Wallace with his two non-member friends who come every day!! |
Scripture Bowl Setup |
The Mark Family! Yes, Papa got baptized!! |
Sister Roberts and Sister Orrock with this amazing family! |
Baptism Day for Brother Mark |
Many Baptisms that Day!! |