Elder and Sister Chandler

About Elder and Sister Chandler
Ready to serve our Savior in the 'Guam-Micronesia Mission' serving on the island of Pohnpei.
Currently serving on the island are 8 Sister Missionaries, 20 Elders and Elder and Sister Chandler.
Helaman 5:12
"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation;that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall not power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
Currently serving on the island are 8 Sister Missionaries, 20 Elders and Elder and Sister Chandler.
Helaman 5:12
"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation;that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall not power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Normal Day of Missionary Life
The alarm goes off at 5:00 a.m.. Is it really that time? It seems we just closed our eyes. We lay there for 10 minutes trying to respond to the call of a new day. Finally, we muster our bodies into the kneeling position and give Heavenly Father thanks for this mission, then petition His help in this very important work of teaching and testifying of Jesus Christ to His children on the island of Pohnpei, asking for a special blessing to be with our families while we are serving our mission. We climb into our workout clothes and warm up for our cross-fit workout of the day. One such workout is 25 Burpees, 50 pushups, 75 air squats, and 100 jumping jacks. It is one of our least favorite, but we only get the opportunity once a month to do it. Just think only 15 more times to do that workout!! Then we cool off with a 2 1/2 mile walk to the airport with a run up Kasalahie hill just before we get back to the apartment. Elder Chandler calls it Beneficial hill. Beneficial is who we have our life insurance with and he is sure I am trying to collect on his. Now our day can really begin. Shower, eat breakfast, do laundry, clean a little, put finishing touches on our Seminary lesson, and leave to go to the High School. We have around 25-30 who come each day. We love these kids with all of our hearts! We teach during their lunch hour from 11:20 to 12:20. Teaching youth the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a wonderful experience. We feel so blessed to be here. We stop at the grocery store (actually you have to stop at several to find only a couple of things) on our way home, for a few things to restock the refrigerator. After lunch we start getting our lesson ready for the next day. Around 4:00 we start around the island to visit the Home-Study seminaries that are meeting that day. We arrive back home from 7:30 to 9:30 depending on which Branch we go to. Friday's are our biggest days not getting back home until 9:30ish. Most weeks we have the blessing of teaching with the Elders or Sisters 4 nights a week. We LOVE teaching with them. We can not even express how much we enjoy our time with these missionaries. Baptisms are usually on Saturdays, but some weeks they occur at different days, times, and at different spots on the island. We have had baptisms in the ocean, the rivers, and at the churchs. It is so rewarding to watch our Brothers and Sisters enter the waters of Baptism and covenant with Heavenly Father and their Savior. Sunday's all meetings on the island start at 9:00. It takes two months to get to each Branch. Because we have two seminaries that meet on Sunday we do not get back home until around 6:30. We have activities, inservice meetings, and firesides intermingled with the week. Needless to say we do not have trouble falling asleep at nights. We are loving these people with all of our hearts. We are trying to learn their language to communicate with them better. It is coming so slowly. We just do not have enough time to focus on language. Next week we are asking one of our Seminary Teachers to teach us 3 times a week for an hour or so. We just have to make time to learn! This mission is an amazing experience for us. Hard work and yet so rewarding. Thank you, Heavenly Father for the call to testify of our Savior Jesus Christ, Your plan for us here on earth, of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the prophet Joseph Smith and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. We love our work.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Wish You Were here!
What another amazing three weeks. Sorry it has taken so long to update the blog. We are busier than we ever imagined. We teach with the Elders and Sisters about 4 nights a week. Last month we had 40 baptisms on the island. Among those baptized were Karleen and Soukaru. Elder Chandler baptized Karleen in Pohnpein language. A first for him. He did great. One Sunday we were invited to their wedding and the next Saturday they were baptized. They have a wonderful family and we were so blessed to be a part of teaching them each week. Nixon is the other baptism we posted. He has been taught off and on for 23 years. Something always seemed to keep him from taking the final step. He would get depressed and would be having a hard time, when his wife would say, "Nixon, you need to pray!" So he did and without fail every time he prayed the next day the Elders showed up at his door. It was such an exciting day on the island when Nixon and his wife were baptized. She waited to be baptized many years wanting them to go together. When he was baptized she clapped her hands and squealed. It was so wonderful to watch. He opened his daughters mission call for her a month ago. We thought then he was close. We loved teaching with the Elders this family! Their daughter, Ivonlia, is the most amazing member missionary on the island. She is the President of our Seminary class at the PIC's High School. One week a little 10 year old boy was baptized and then afterward he gave his testimony. His little chin quivered and tears began to roll down his checks and he taught us about Jesus Christ, the prophet Joseph Smith and what it meant for him to be a member.
We started teaching seminary at PIC's high school during their lunch hour. We have about 30 come each day. It is a great experience with wonderful youth! The spirit is strong and testimonies are growing. Fast Sunday Sister Chandler gave her testimony in Pohnpein for the first time. The members of the Sekere Branch were very happy to think she would be learning the language for them. We love our mission, the people on this island, and our wonderful Sisters and Elders. Please know of our love for all of you.
We started teaching seminary at PIC's high school during their lunch hour. We have about 30 come each day. It is a great experience with wonderful youth! The spirit is strong and testimonies are growing. Fast Sunday Sister Chandler gave her testimony in Pohnpein for the first time. The members of the Sekere Branch were very happy to think she would be learning the language for them. We love our mission, the people on this island, and our wonderful Sisters and Elders. Please know of our love for all of you.
What an Adventure!
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